Create remote repo
pwd:/Users/zhanglx/workspace/gittest/git init --bare --shared
Clone repo from remote repo
git clone /Users/zhanglx/workspace/gittest/
Init a local git repo and add a remote
This is equal to "Clone"
mkdir myrepocd myrepo/git initgit remote add origin /Users/zhanglx/workspace/gittest/
New branch and switch to this branch
git branch testgit checkout test
Type git branch
to check which branch you are working on.
Add, modify, commit, reset and checkout history
Git文件的状态分为untracked和tracked, untracked文件是指新建的文件,尚未被git管理起来。
git remote -v or git remote show origin
查看相关信息 git push origin master
将commit的代码,push到github上。 git pull origin master
git delete file
然后commit的,将无法恢复。 rm file
, 可以通过git checkout -- file
进行恢复。 git rm --cached file
恢复更改的文件 git checkout — //未git add的文件
git reset HEAD //已经git add的文件,可以用这个取消add,然后用上一条命令恢复
Push master branch of locale repo to remote origin
git push origin master
Pull (if there are some conflicts, git will call git merge automatically)
git pull origin master
创建SSH key
ssh-keygen生成的SSH key文件保存在中~/.ssh/
添加SSH key到github
接着拷贝.ssh/id_rsa.pub文件内的所以内容打开github帐号管理中的添加SSH key界面的步骤如下:1. 登录github2. 点击右上方的Accounting settings图标3. 选择 SSH key4. 点击 Add SSH key TAG $ git tag v1.4 -m ‘version 1.4′ $ git tag $ git show v1.4 $git checkout tag_name //在当前分支上 取出 tag_name 的版本 $git checkout -b branch_name tag_name //从 tag 创建一个分支,然后就和普通的 git 操作一样了